Focus on

Gender Equality and Social Inclusion

Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) has become a critical component of international development that recognises the importance of promoting equality and addressing social injustices to achieve sustainable development. As a strong and practical approach for mainstreaming GESI in broader programming has emerged, BEI is bringing together members active across Health, Education, Climate Change, Economic Inclusion, and Humanitarian sectors to explore the impact it has in the international development space.
British Expertise International
What our members in Gender Equality and Social Inclusion offer:
Strategic Alignment
The breadth and complexity of the challenges in GESI demand close alignment across multiple audiences – government, agencies and funding bodies to name but three. Our members have experience in helping these entities align not just on key priorities and focus areas but also on their approaches to policy and planning, funding and evaluation.
An Inclusive Approach
Together with a commitment to partnership, BEI members have tangible experience in incorporating in their projects grassroots approaches which ensure political participation, agency and representation of the voice of marginalised communities.
Operational Rigour
The combination of the need for effective partnerships coupled with a challenging budget environment puts a real premium on operational rigour – that all programming is delivered with real quality and discipline – from end to end. This rigour must cover multiple areas – from effective design and reviews of the processes involved at every stage of the design and delivery.
Measuring Impact
Nothing can function optimally without robust, focused, and timely measurement of the impact of activities, interventions, and policies. Ensuring that GESI is meaningfully and deliberately considered during each step of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning is essential to understanding how activities meet the needs of different groups.
Breadth and Depth
BEI’s members have experience working across a broad spectrum of issues that impact the most marginalised in society, most notably: Inequalities and challenges related to Health and Well-Being; The impact of Humanitarian Crises; Poople’s access to quality Education; The growing impact of Climate Change; The challenges linked to a lack of Economic Incusion
Working In Partnership
BEI’s members have a track record of working in partnership at every critical level:from bi-lateral donors to governemnt recipients of ODA, to multi-lateral agencies and regional development banks; local partners and grassroot communities, as well as charities, NGOs and private sector organisations
British Expertise International

What we do for our members in Education

British Expertise International

Delivering real value for members

Paul Dyson
Managing Director
Their reputation as a voice for UK business overseas continues to ensure that the private sector is able to have a spokesperson to help affect positive change and now, with COVID pandemic, their leadership is ever more salient.
Crossrail International
Gordon Turley
Director - Major Projects
British Expertise International plays a valuable role in organising high-profile events, liaising with government clients and playing a co-ordination role. Their support during COVID-19 has proved valuable –supporting UK businesses to respond to the immediate situation and its aftermath.
Mott MacDonald
Leslie Maruziva
Head, Int. Project Finance
& Govt. Relations
As a company with an international outreach, we have welcomed the regular updates from BEI and in particular, we find the Ambassadorial briefings extremely informative. They are a useful source for a different perspective on our target markets.
Bam Nutall
Sinéad Magill
Managing Partner-EMEA
We value British Expertise International’s excellent convening power and they can be relied upon to pull together great speakers, influential thinkers and industry leaders to address the topics of the day.
Jonathan Pell
As a longstanding member, Adam Smith International appreciates BEI’s ability to provide important platforms and forums for effective policy dialogue with decision-makers in UK government, and the impressive calendar of networking events they host.
Adam Smith Int.
Annabel Bradbury
BEI has been integral in mediating between private sector suppliers and DFID, both with respect to business continuity related to Coronavirus, and in representing the aid sector in discussions around the impacts related to the new FCDO department.
Education Working Group’s Positioning Paper

Recover Learning, Rebuild Education

Solutions to the Covid-19 Education crisis: a view from UK-based specialist education providers.

Third Edition


Beyond Boundaries

The Role of UK-Based Organisations in Advancing Global Gender Equality and Social Inclusion

Launched May 2023

BEI International Development Report

Delivering World Class Development

Leveraging British Expertise To Deliver the UK’s International Development Strategy

Second Edition

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Recent Reports

ÉLAN RDC, one of DFID/FCDO’s largest private sector development programmes, included GESI as a cross-cutting priority to sustainably increasing incomes for poor women and socially excluded groups.

Read their story

Arup developed new designs for communal latrines and bathing facilities so girls and women can experience greater safety and dignity, even in difficult humanitarian contexts.

Read their story

Abt associates facilitated institutional change through a new Gender Policy and Action Plan by providing technical expertise in areas relating to climate activities

Read their story

GPG set out to examine the experiences of women who have been pushed to set up their own businesses to support their families and provide recommendations to the Iraqi government and the international community

Read their story

Co-designing and activating a communications campaign to tackle stigma and discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.

Read their story

Supported marginalised girls and boys with disabilities in primary and junior secondary schools to attend school, learn in safe and inclusive environments and transition to further education and beyond.

Read their story

Working with our members

BEI Working Group:

Gender Equality and Social Inclusion

  • Within the membership of BEI there are a number of organisations who provide education services. These members are part of the BEI Education Working Group, which aims to incubate collaborative approaches and facilitate information sharing.
  • Our members offer a wide range of expertise, knowledge and products designed to bring the best of UK-based expertise in teaching and learning, support services, content creation, consultancy, training and capacity building to the international market.
  • Through the BEI Education Working Group, we facilitate high value Education events to help members engage with external stakeholders such as government bodies and multilateral institutions and showcase UK expertise and innovative solutions.
Connecting with In-Country Policy Makers
The Working Group is now engaged in following up directly with in-country ministries of education across the world. The aim is to understand their strategies and showcase specific capabilities that are proven to help address their challenges.
Focus on Girls’ Education
In line with the UK’s global focus on the key issue of Girls’ Education, this special Working Group stream supports engagement around the key issues and actions that can help improve access and engagement in education for girls and women.
Focus on Skills
Future economic well-being is dependent upon developing the practical and relevant skills for the 21st century. This is a unifying issue across all countries and sectors supported by BEI. The Working Group will be addressing this important challenge over the coming year.
Get in touch with our Programme Director
Alexandra Barnes

Committed to delivering value to our members

About Us

British Expertise International

  • BEI is the leading business development network for UK-based companies exporting expertise in infrastructure, capacity building and international development services, particularly to fast-growing, emerging and developing international markets.
  • BEI has successfully delivered this unique focus, working both through our networks and alongside the UK government and other stakeholders, for over 50 years.
  • BEI works closely with the UK and foreign governments to help our members understand international markets and opportunities they present through a wide range of activities. These include networking events, sector-focused forums, bespoke international market intelligence, and demand-based trade missions.
"Alinea greatly values the insight and access that BEI brings to its members. We use BEI to stay up-to-date with latest UK government thinking and market intelligence; to review opportunities with other donors and markets; and to project our voice to government as an SME supplier."
Charles Duff, Vice President, Alinea
"BEI events are always high quality, topical and with an excellent range of speakers from government, international development agencies, NGOs, and the private sector. They provide really useful networking opportunities, and we value the role that they play in representing the interests of members – large, medium and small. Staff are professional, supportive, and friendly."
Claire Cameron, Founding Director, PAI
"Perhaps the most exciting benefit of BEI membership and the working groups is the highly collaborative approach, as we have created several new partnerships through our membership that have translated into joint bids on projects with other members."
Dr. Anna Kingsley, Head of Partnerships, Cambridge Partnership for Education
Get in touch to find out more about membership
Luisa Edves
Gender Equality and Social Inclusion

Working Group Members

BEI Members involved in

Gender Equality and Social Inclusion