About Us

A unique business development organisation.

BEI is the leading business development network for UK-based companies offering expertise in infrastructure, capacity building and international development services, particularly to fast-growing emerging and developing markets around the world. BEI has delivered for our members, working through our own networks and alongside the UK Government and other stakeholders, for over 50 years.
Meet our team

What we do

BEI works closely with its proprietary global networks and with the UK and foreign governments to help our members understand, access and succeed in international markets . The bottom-line objective is to help them win business. This is achieved through a wide range of activities; networking events, sector-focused forums, trade missions, bespoke international market intelligence and opportunity-consulting.


Online and in person briefings on key thematic issues, market and sector opportunities.


BEI facilitates effective interactions between its members and networks, including UK and foreign government officials, both remotely and in person.


We help our members think through challenges and possible solutions.

Working Groups

To support information sharing, collaboration and partnerships between members, as well as to facilitate constructive dialogue with FCDO, DIT and other stakeholders.

Trade Missions

We facilitate demand driven physical and virtual programmes to engage directly with customers and public bodies in target markets.

Market Intelligence

BEI provides insights and connections to its membership via written and verbal consultancy, working with HMG and others to support strong export prospects.

Our Networks

  • Member companies
    Our members range from some of the UK’s largest companies, to some of the smallest.
  • UK government
    Our main partners in the UK government are the Department for International Trade (DIT) and the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).
  • Institutional organisations
    We engage with a wide range of institutions including IFIs, foundations, research institutes, think-tanks and many more.
Celebrating over 50 years

Our history

BEI was formed over 50 years ago as the British Consultants Bureau in order to support engineering and related consultancy exports. With His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester as President, BEI has since expanded its membership to include any UK based company exporting services related to infrastructure, capacity building and international development.
British Expertise International

Meet our team


Paul Dyson
Managing Director
Their reputation as a voice for UK business overseas continues to ensure that the private sector is able to have a spokesperson to help affect positive change and now, with COVID pandemic, their leadership is ever more salient.
Crossrail International
Gordon Turley
Director - Major Projects
British Expertise International plays a valuable role in organising high-profile events, liaising with government clients and playing a co-ordination role. Their support during COVID-19 has proved valuable –supporting UK businesses to respond to the immediate situation and its aftermath.
Mott MacDonald
Leslie Maruziva
Head, Int. Project Finance
& Govt. Relations
As a company with an international outreach, we have welcomed the regular updates from BEI and in particular, we find the Ambassadorial briefings extremely informative. They are a useful source for a different perspective on our target markets.
Bam Nutall
Sinéad Magill
Managing Partner-EMEA
We value British Expertise International’s excellent convening power and they can be relied upon to pull together great speakers, influential thinkers and industry leaders to address the topics of the day.
Jonathan Pell
As a longstanding member, Adam Smith International appreciates BEI’s ability to provide important platforms and forums for effective policy dialogue with decision-makers in UK government, and the impressive calendar of networking events they host.
Adam Smith Int.
Annabel Bradbury
BEI has been integral in mediating between private sector suppliers and DFID, both with respect to business continuity related to Coronavirus, and in representing the aid sector in discussions around the impacts related to the new FCDO department.