September 22, 2023

Guide: Financing and Implementing Nature-based Solutions in Urban Areas

Read the full publicationComing Soon

First Edition – Launched September 2023

Purpose and Audience

The BEI Nature-based Solutions Working Group, with lead authors DT Global, in collaboration with World Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, C40 Cities and other key international stakeholders, has released a technical guide, ‘Financing and Implementing Nature-based Solutions in Urban Areas - a Guide for Local Actors’, to support capacity building on Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in an urban setting.

This Technical Guide provides information in an easy-to-use format aimed at local stakeholders who want to know what steps they need to take to move their initial idea for Nature-based Solutions (NbS) – interventions that protect, restore or sustainably manage nature – into a feasible proposal.

The paper is designed to meet the needs of a range of stakeholders seeking rapid insights and technical support for the design and implementation of NbS. The agencies for whom this paper has been developed include:

  • Local authorities
  • Governmental bodies
  • Implementing actors
  • Private sector investors
  • International Financing Institutions
  • Multi-lateral agencies
  • INGOs
  • Consultants supporting the implementation and delivery of NbS projects.

The Nature-based Solutions (NbS) Working Group

The NbS Working Group brings together a cross-section of companies that offer the full spectrum of expertise related to helping global, national, and local clients meet the challenge of preparing for increasing climate impacts, loss of biodiversity and natural disasters. The group brings together members with knowledge and expertise in delivering solutions to better manage and sustainably restore nature and the environment across different geographies and sectors. The group offers a broad range of expertise that encompasses natural and green infrastructure services, ecosystem based agricultural practices and integrated water resource management, forest landscape restoration, ecosystem-based adaptation and mitigation, ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and integrated coastal zone management.

British Expertise International

British Expertise International (BEI) is a membership organisation dedicated to supporting its members who provide services including infrastructure, capacity building, weather and climate services and international development, with a particular focus on the dynamic and growing markets of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean.

BEI works closely with the UK and foreign governments to help our members understand international markets and opportunities they present through a wide range of activities. BEI members range from some of the UK’s largest companies to some of the smallest, but all share a common goal of exporting the best of UK expertise in professional services.

BEI has successfully delivered this unique focus, working both across various networks and alongside the UK government and other stakeholders, for over 50 years.

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